Gebraucht THERMCO TMX 9000 #173055 zu verkaufen

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ID: 173055
Wafergröße: 4"
Furnaces, 4" 4-stack A1, Sintering A1: Post CMOS Tool specifications: 4" substrates only 25 substrates Tool Overview Annealing, in metallurgy and materials science, is a heat treatment wherein a material is altered, causing changes in its properties such as strength and hardness It is a process that produces conditions by heating and maintaining a suitable temperature, and then cooling. Annealing is used to induce softness, relieve internal stresses, refine the structure and improve cold working properties. The tool consists of a quartz process tube, surrounded by heating coils with three zone spike/profile temperature control, gas injection system, load and unload station, and MUX computer and tube control computers Tool Capabilities: • Sintering (annealing) Metals • Hydrogen drive-in gas • Post CMOS Tube • Configured for 4” wafers • Can process any number of wafers from 1 to 25 at a time • Allowed Metals: aluminum, nickel, tantalum, chrome, iridium, molybdenum, tungsten and titanium • Metals Not Allowed: Gold, copper, lead, tin, and platinum • Organics (example polyimide) are never allowed in this tube. • You cannot go into any other furnace tube except C2 after you have been in A1 A2, Boron-dope (deposition) A2-4: CMOS only No metals, glass substrates, III-V material, and no wafers that have previously been in SG RIE/right chamber Plasma Therm/”Dirty” oven. 24 substrate one side doped/11 substrates both sides doped. Tool Overview Diffusion is the spontaneous net movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration Diffusing molecules will move randomly between areas of high and low concentration but because there are more molecules in the high concentration region, more molecules will leave the high concentration region than the low concentration one. Therefore, there will be a net movement of molecules from high to low concentration. Initially, a concentration gradient leaves a smooth decrease in concentration from high to low which will form between the two regions. As time progresses, the gradient will grow increasingly shallow until the concentrations are equalized. The tool consists of a quartz process tube, surrounded by heating coils with three zone spike/profile temperature control, gas injection system, load and unload station, and MUX computer and tube control computers. Tool Capabilities • Boron Diffusion • 12 BoronPlus Solid Dopant Sources • Configured for 4” wafers • Can process any number of wafers from 1 to 25 at a time • CMOS compatible tube • No metals, glass substrates or III/V materials • No wafers previously in “dirty” ovens • No wafers from A1, B3 or C2 • Wafers from A2 may only go directly into A4 • There must be at least 13 wafers in this tube at all times A3 was not in use A4, Boron ANL/Oxide (boron drive in) A2-4: CMOS only No metals, glass substrates, III-V material, and no wafers that have previously been in SG RIE/right chamber Plasma Therm/”Dirty” oven Tool specifications: 4" substrates only. 25 substrates Process Gas:H2/O2/N2 Tool Overview After the initial Boron Doping, there will typically be a high concentration impurity profile at the wafer surface. The Drive-In process is used to more evenly distribute the dopant throughout the silicon. This tube also has wet and dry oxidation capabilities. The tool consists of a quartz process tube, surrounded by heating coils with three zone spike/profile temperature control, gas injection system, load and unload station, and MUX computer and tube control computers. Tool Capabilities • Boron Drive-In • Wet and Dry Oxide • Configured for 4” wafers • Can process any number of wafers from 1 to 25 at a time • CMOS compatible tube • No metals, glass substrates or III/V materials • No wafers previously in “dirty” ovens • Wafers from A4 may not go into any other furnace tube unless you first strip the BSG and perform a PFC • Wafers from A4 may not go into a PFC box B1, used for clean storage. B2, TCA-Oxidation Max run time for wet Oxide is 11 hours. All tubes are CMOS compatible No metals, glass substrates, III-V material, and no wafers that have previously been in SG RIE/right chamber Plasma Therm/”Dirty” oven Tool specifications: 4" substrates only B1 is used for storage 7 boats/25 substrates each 72 hour time limit B2 is used for wet and dry thermal oxide (field oxide) 25 substrates Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a chemical process used to produce high-purity, high-performance solid materials. The process is often used in the semiconductor industry to produce thin films. In a typical CVD process, the wafer (substrate) is exposed to one or more volatile precursors, which react and/or decompose on the substrate surface to produce the desired deposit. Frequently, volatile byproducts are also produced, which are removed by gas flow through the reaction chamber. The tool consists of a quartz process tube, surrounded by heating coils with three zone spike/profile temperature control, gas injection system, load and unload station, and MUX computer and tube control computers. Tool Capabilities • Wet and dry thermal oxide (field oxide), TCA oxide • Configured for 4” wafers • Can process any number of wafers from 1 to 25 at a time • CMOS compatible tube • No metals, glass substrates or III/V materials • No wafers previously processed in right chamber Plasma-Therm • No wafers previously in “dirty” ovens B3, Phos-dope All tubes are CMOS compatible No metals, glass substrates, III-V material, and no wafers that have previously been in SG RIE/right chamber Plasma Therm/”Dirty” oven Tool specifications: 4" substrates B3 is used for phosphorous doping 25 substrates In semiconductor production, doping refers to the process of intentionally introducing impurities into an extremely pure (also referred to as intrinsic) semiconductor in order to change its electrical properties. The impurities are dependent upon the type of semiconductor. Lightly and moderately doped semiconductors are referred to as extrinsic. A semiconductor which is doped to such high levels that it acts more like a conductor than a semiconductor is called degenerate. The tool consists of a quartz process tube, surrounded by heating coils with three zone spike/profile temperature control, gas injection system, load and unload station, and MUX computer and tube control computers. Tool Capabilities • Phosphorous doping • Configured for 4” wafers • Can process any number of wafers from 1 to 25 at a time • CMOS compatible tube • No metals, glass substrates or III/V materials • No wafers previously processed in right chamber Plasma-Therm • No wafers previously in “dirty” ovens B4 Phos ANL/Oxide All tubes are CMOS compatible No metals, glass substrates, III-V material, and no wafers that have previously been in SG RIE/right chamber Plasma Therm/”Dirty” oven Tool specifications: 4" substrates only B1 is used for storage 7 boats/25 substrates each 72 hour time limit B2 is used for wet and dry thermal oxide (field oxide) 25 substrates B3 is used for phosphorous doping 25 substrates B4 is used for phosphorous drive in and thermal oxide 25 substrates Process Gas:H2/O2/POCl After the initial Phosphorous Doping, there will typically be a high concentration impurity profile at the wafer surface. The Drive-In process is used to more evenly distribute the dopant throughout the silicon. This tube also has wet and dry oxidation capabilities. The tool consists of a quartz process tube, surrounded by heating coils with three zone spike/profile temperature control, gas injection system, load and unload station, and MUX computer and tube control computers. Tool Capabilities • Phosphorous Drive-In • Wet and Dry Oxide • N2 Anneal • Configured for 4” wafers • Can process any number of wafers from 1 to 25 at a time • CMOS compatible tube • No metals, glass substrates or III/V materials • No wafers previously processed in right chamber Plasma-Therm • No wafers previously in “dirty” oven (1) Computer stack available Advanced Crystal Sciences cantilever boat loader controller (1998 vintage) Available: tube and mux computers, the gas boards from the side doors of the gas shelf, UPS, hard drive and tape backup, 3 tubes were LPCVD tubes Thermocouples not included Currently stored in a cleanroom.
THERMCO TMX 9000 Diffusionsofen und sein Zubehör sind eine hochwertig entwickelte und gebaute Linie von Hochleistungsöfen. TMX 9000 ist perfekt für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, einschließlich einzelner Waferdiffusion, Tieftemperaturdiffusion und Polysilizium-Dotierung. Es eignet sich auch für sich wiederholende Operationen und zeichnet sich durch schnelle Erwärmung, ausgezeichnete Temperaturgleichmäßigkeit und unübertroffene Prozessstabilität aus. THERMCO TMX 9000 besteht aus einer Basisstation, Heizzone und Vakuumkammer. Es ist gasunterstützt und kann leicht angepasst werden, um die USFD (Uniformity Spread Function) zu ändern. Der USFD kann von ± 2 ° bis ± 4 ° eingestellt werden, so dass Temperaturen und Dauer präzise kontrolliert werden können. Die USFD ermöglicht auch die Variation der Gleichmäßigkeit von/nach Mitte oder oben/unten über einen gesamten Wafer-Stack durch eine Kombination aus enger Temperaturregelung, Thermo- und Stickstoffunterstützungsfunktionen und neuer Steuercodierung. TMX 9000 ist mit einem fortschrittlichen Ofenregler und Kühlsystem ausgestattet, das schnelle Heiz- und Kühlzeiten sowie einen präzisen und energieeffizienten Betrieb ermöglicht. Die Loadlock-Baugruppe bietet schnelle und effektive Be- und Entladefunktionen. Das programmierbare CDG (Clustered Degassed Gas) -System enthält ein einzigartiges CDG-Strömungsmuster, das eine überlegene Waferuniformität bei Diffusionsprozessen bietet. THERMCO TMX 9000 ermöglicht es Benutzern auch, eine Reihe von Steuerparametern und Einstellungen festzulegen, um sicherzustellen, dass die Parameter konsistent bleiben, um konsistente Ergebnisse zu gewährleisten. TMX 9000 ist ein unschätzbares Werkzeug für Diffusions- und Dopingprozesse und bietet Anwendern bemerkenswerte Genauigkeit, Prozesskomplexität und Betriebsstabilität. All diese Aspekte kommen zusammen, um einen überlegenen und zuverlässigen Prozess zu ermöglichen. Die überlegene Gleichmäßigkeit und Temperaturregelung, gepaart mit der CDG-Flussmustertechnologie, machen THERMCO TMX 9000 zu einem Must-Have für alle Laborlaufdiffusions- und Dotierungsprozesse.
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